Sunday, March 22, 2009

De-flation de-mystified!!

What is deflation?
Deflation is a fall in the price of goods and services. Deflation occurs when the inflation rate falls below zero per cent. This is the opposite of inflation.

Why does deflation happen?
A fall in spending -- it could be personal spending or a cut in government expenditure -- leads to deflation. The decline in the supply of money and credit thus leads to deflation. So, if money-supply decreases; supply of other goods increases, demand for money rises, and the demand for other goods slips, it is deflation.

Is deflation good as prices are falling?

A fall in the prices may sound good for consumers. But it is not actually good. The lack in demand may push companies to further lower prices. This can lead to a situation where the prices of product fall bellow the cost of manufacturing a product. This in turn forces the companies to cut production, slash jobs and shut down business till demand picks up. This worsens the situation.

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