Saturday, January 30, 2010


In this era of "Go Green", every step you take every breath you take you are thinking of the environment - How bad it is? How long will it survive/sustain and so on and so think of every possible way to reduce your carbon footprint....

Having said that, sometimes I wonder why India inspite of being so vast in its geographic spread has only one Time-Zone? Is it because a country that does everything together stays together aka unity!!?? I wonder.

The Indian Standard Time (IST) is based on the meridian passing east of Allahabad (my hometown) at 82.5 deg E. This meridian is taken as the central meridian of India.So, as we go further east the time should increase and when we go west it should decrease.

The expanse of India east to west is a little over 2000 kms and covers over 28 degrees of longitude.That means, the sun rises and sets 2 hours earlier in the far east of india than in Rann of Kutch - the far west. As for now, Northeast wastes almost 2 hours of day light whils working on IST. So it makes sense that our countrymen in the NE advance their clocks by 2 hours or so with the early sunrise to avoid extra consumption of energy during the daylight hours.

Bangladesh which lies ahead of the northeastern states geographically is half an hour ahead in time.

I guess it makes a lot of sense atleast now to seriously consider the IST as several time zones. This would only help increase productivity & prosperity of the country and save a lot of energy and make the world a greener place.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Money-control is in my own hands!

I still remember the time when my first salary aka Vitamin M was credited into my new bank account!! My eyes lit with glitter…..there you are finally!! I wanted to share this ‘joy’ with everyone….i bought fancy gifts for my folks…gifts for my then girl friend…took my friends out for a drink!! The moments of joy and celebrations!!

A couple of weeks after the first sights of Vitamin M, my dad asked me how much have I ‘saved’ and ‘invested’ of what I had received!!?? It was as if the Accounts Prof back in the B-school asking me to read out the balance sheet I had created for the company called I. It took me a moment to ‘read’ the Asset side of the balance sheet whereas it took me a while to ‘read’ the Liability side ‘cause this side was the one with multiple entries vis-a-vis the Asset side which had a single line item – Vitamin M.

After a brief introduction to the world of investing and its benefits from my dad I started exploring the world around me with things with tags “Best Returns”, “ Safe Havens” and the likes. I then sat on my computer to unleash the power of the Internet.

I could understand the stocks lingo (thanks to the fin inclined partners in the school)….what I was looking for some gyan on the mutual funds and other avenues of investments. The sheer volume of websites/blogs/articles on the internet made me fee that every one was into it but me. All of them were singing the same tune – x and y will go up so invest in a, or, p & q are below average so invest in b; it was like they new the trade like the back of their hands. And if that was the case then India should have had the highest number of millionaires / billionaires but the reality was something else.

Question I still ask myself is – is it right to listen to these guys and invest my hard earned money? I should be doing my own analysis and investing money….i should know the business model of whom ever Im giving my money to and expecting good returns. I know I don’t have the time to sit and do just that so do I just rely on these marketing stunts/advertisements of these asset management companies?

Over time I have also learnt that my individual analysis brought in relatively better returns on the prinicipal. I also lost some money but then I did learn a lesson from that. I lost because I treated the money the way I wanted to and not the way someone else wanted to. The money-control was in my own hands.

The point im trying to make here is that be do your own home-work before you look up to someone else. Ideas are always welcomed but they should help form in informed opinion. My money-control is in my hands.
